Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Edible Paper

When Ms Douglas came from Ireland, she  brought us a souvenir for our class. She returned on Monday, January 3rd with our gift - edible paper! Have you ever heard of such a thing?  You may be wondering what this is.

When she arrived, she mentioned having this gift. We completed an assignment, then she called us up to receive it. It was like a paper with some design on it. When she gave it to me she called that do not put it on the table, I taught it was a sheet of paper. It  was so weird that she told us it was candy. It tasted like cookies it was very fun tasting an  edible paper. What  I thought  after  eating it was that I ate a paper I am being trained as a goat.

Here are some things I learned about edible paper. Edible paper is a paper that people can eat. The paper has no flavor and very little texture. Edible paper is used as a cake decoration. The edible is flexible and smooth but it is hard enough to write on. Specially edible paper is designed to feel like regular paper but it melts in water only. Another thing I learned is that sometimes edible paper can be dangerous if it has chemicals or harmful mixtures. 

I think that the edible paper is good to eat but not all that tasty to eat.  Maybe some of you children would like to taste the edible paper because of what I wrote.

1 comment:

  1. Roselyn it was wonderful.You told me alot of information about edible paper.That's really amazing.
